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Surviving Washington

This article is about our first president of the United States of America, George Washington, and how his setbacks of multiple illnesses has influenced and created his many accomplishments and achievements that he has successfully overcome over the years leading up to his death. As a young boy, he got infected many times by a various amount of deadly diseases such as; diphtheria, tuberculosis, small pox and more infectious viruses and diseases. Still standing strong and continuing his many different “adventures” with friends and family. Nonetheless the majority of these “adventures” were to go seek different parts of the world to find different cures or ways to heel either his friends and family, or himself; as he too would end up become infected. And yet still at a young age, he had already been diagnosed with three deadly diseases by the age of 19. Although, luckily he later had access to vaccines that were created conveniently just in time for him to recover. After years had passed, the revolution had begun, where he served as a soldier, and then later on become a General. As a few more diseases had occurred among his soldiers, hundreds of thousands of soldiers passed. Having this role as a leader, lead him to be the president from 1789 to 1797. During his presidency, and through his travels, he became very ill yet again with an epidemic that had started called “river fever”, now known as yellow fever. As his years in office were limited, he then caught his final infection, that caused a great deal of blood loss, high fever, an infection in the throat called epiglottitis, and many more symptoms. After 24 hours of feeling this agony, he then passed away leaving a great legacy to the United States of America, and all that we can recover from no matter the circumstances.

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