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BREAKING NEWS: Baby enters the world wearing a lab coat

Ever wonder how old the youngest scientist was? This week in the 'Scientist for Life' class at Buffalo Seminary, students were challenged with the question, what does it mean to be a scientist for life? According to the Washington Post, 20% of all occupations have STEM aspects involved in the work place. However, I disagree with this study because every occupation faces problems in which that employee unknowingly follows the scientific method in order to resolve a problem or fix a broken option. We are surrounded by science all day and are making observations on everyday objects. This concludes that anyone can evaluate scientific information because we all have senses to do so. However, someone who has studied in the STEM fields have greater knowledge of science which means that they can take their observations to the next level and understand how something works more efficiently. With research anyone can make every day scientific discoveries. For example, a female homemaker in the UK studied why an umbilical cord is clamped immediately after a baby is born. She is not considered a scientist, however her studies created a new practice for medicine which granted her with an award for her discovery.

Ever play with blocks with a baby? I had the opportunity to intern at Women's and Children's Hospital of Buffalo where I was able to spend time with a one-year-old male. I watched him as he played with his many-shaped blocks and tried to perfectly fit them in the shaped-holes of the box. He held the star block and instantly chose the star shaped hole and not the circle, square, or triangle. He used his sense of seeing to realize that the shape should fit in that hole. It took him many tries of slamming the shape against the block but eventually the star entered the hole perfectly. At such a young age, he was able to evaluate the situation by using his senses and his resources, me, in order to successfully push the star block into the correct hole. He used the scientific method.

So, what is a scientist? A scientist is anyone who is capable of using senses to study and fix an object or situation. So why aren't more females accepted as being scientists? They have the same capability of using their senses and mind as a male. So, to that home maker who cooks food in order to keep their family alive, you are a scientist. Mixing ingredients and creating new flavors classifies you as a scientist!

Article on Clamping:


Robinson, Wesley. (2014, July 10). "Most with college STEM degrees go to work in other fields, survey finds."

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