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19.3 Billion Dollars Given to NASA

Recently, Senate approved a bill that gives NASA 19.3 billion dollars for 2017 space exploration. Even though this is nearly the same amount received in 2016, this minor increase allows the agency’s Space Launch System program to expand. The amount given to NASA was obtainable due to numerous funds that encourage space exploration.

With the 19.3 billion dollars given to NASA, the Space Launch System will contribute 2.15 billion dollars to the launch vehicle, 300 million dollars for work done on the Exploration Upper Stage, 1.3 billion dollars towards the Orion mission, and the rest towards other wants or expenses. The purpose of this bill is to provide NASA with a balanced space program and to improve space exploration. This “balanced space program” consists of human exploration, experiments, new missions, and updated technology.

Many disagree with the budgeted amount provided to NASA each year. Individuals believe that NASA receives too much money, whereas other believe NASA should receive more, and the government should encourage space travel. Due to these common debates, the full Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to discuss the bill and the spending amount on April 21, 2016. Several expect the bill to lower in certain expense areas, while others disagree. Hopefully, Congress can finalize a reasonable budget to set aside for NASA.

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