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Ada Lovelace Day

This article is all about Ada Lovelace and how she has a day dedicated to her. She grew up with nannies teaching her mathematics from a very young age. Charles Babbage, one of her friends, was an inventor and mechanical engineer who was working on a computer that was never built. She is considered someone who knows a lot about computer programming from the start. She reminds people on how far women have come in science, technology, engineering and math. This is also called STEM which is something women today are more familiar with. She also told people how far women still have to come in science which is still true today. The Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated in places such as Imperial College in London where women give presentations that include aspects from STEM, there are conferences about technology led by women themselves. There is things on social media like tweets and articles all over online for this day. A professor and a graduate at Brown University even created an “edit-a-thon” where anyone who attends can edit Wikipedia articles on well-known women in STEM and add accurate information or creating pages with women in STEM that are not so well known. This article shows how women have not had equal opportunities in STEM and how we need to be more aware of this. This day is really important and great for women in science.

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